Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Improve SMB file transfer speed for Mac OS

About Versions after Mac OS 10.11.5 will default to the SMB signature feature. 
Although this setting can improve the security of file transfer, it will take a lot of time and resources. 
If you want to turn off the SMB signature feature for your Mac, follow these steps:

Than Turn on the Mac's [Terminal] service

Than Enter the following command: sudo touch /etc/nsmb.conf and enter the password for your Mac device. 
Enter the following two commands: sudo bash -c 'echo "[default]" >> /etc/nsmb.conf' and sudo bash -c 'echo "signing_required=no" >> /etc/nsmb.conf'If
you are To turn off this feature after closing the SMB signature, follow these steps:
Turn on the Mac's [Terminal] service. 
Enter the following command: sudo rm /etc/nsmb.conf
Please note: Turning off the SMB signature will improve the file transfer performance, but it will also reduce its security.
Source: QNAP, Thank You !